NSS Life Member Resources

NSS Life Member Resources

As of March 1, 2025 any newly issued Life Insurance and Investment Growth policies, as well as, all annuity policies are now accessible on the Life Insurance & Annuities Portal.  Any Life Insurance or Investment Growth policies issued prior to 3/1/2025 still remain on the Life Insurance Portal. We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience as we work to improve our systems for our members.

NSS Life Member Portals

Click on relevant Portal links below

Life Insurance Portal

(Life Insurance and Investment Growth accounts prior to 3/1/25)

Click on the link below to navigate to this
Member Life Insurance Portal.

The Member Life Insurance Portal provides access to insurance policies as well as related documents and forms for accounts older than 3/1/25.

Life Insurance & Annuities Portal

(Life Insurance and Investment Growth accounts as of 3/1/25)

Click on the link below to navigate to the
Member Life Insurance & Annuities Portal.

The url address for this portal has changed,
any previous bookmarks will need updated.

Portal Instructions

Q: Where is my account transactions information?
A: Payments/Distributions information is not currently available on the portal but hopefully will be available as soon as we can resolve the issue. In the meantime, please call the home office and a representative can help provide you with that info.

Q: What does the Age value indicate under my policy?
A: The Age value designates when the policy was issued. If confused with the member’s date of birth information, that value is displayed further down the information readout.

Q: I can’t find my policy’s current interest rate or product type?
A: This information is located on your downloadable statements, which are located in the Documents and Statements menu, or through the Options menu.

Q: Is my Annuity account value up-to-date as of the current date?
A: The Annuity account values are up-to-date as of the previous processing date, which is usually the previous business day. If needing to know the current account value, please contact the home office and a representative can look up this information for you.

Q: I can’t find my Required Minimum Distribution (RMDs) information?
A: RMD information is currently unavailable through the portal, please contact the home office and a representative can help with your inquiry.

The Member Life Insurance & Annuities Portal provides access to insurance policies and related documents and forms for new accounts as of 3/1/25, as well as all annuity policy details online, including the ability to view and download statements, policy documents and other NSS Life service forms.

NSS Life Agent Resources

NSS Life Agent Resources

As of March 1, 2025 any newly issued Life Insurance and Investment Growth policies, as well as, all annuity policies are now accessible on the Life Insurance & Annuities Portal.  Any Life Insurance or Investment Growth policies issued prior to 3/1/2025 still remain on the Life Insurance Portal. We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience as we work to improve our systems for agents.

NSS Life Agent Portals

Click on relevant Portal links below


Life Insurance Portal

(Life Insurance and Investment Growth
accounts prior to 3/1/25)

Click on the link below to navigate to this
Agent Life Insurance Portal.

The Agent Life Insurance Portal provides access to insurance policies as well as related documents and forms for accounts older than 3/1/25.

Insurance & Annuities Portal

(Life Insurance and Investment Growth
accounts as of 3/1/25)

Click on the link below to navigate to the
Agent Life Insurance & Annuities Portal.

The url address for this portal has changed,
any previous bookmarks will need updated.

Portal Instructions

Q: Where is my Commission data?
A: Commission data is available for each individual policy. For a summary/total commission value for all policies, this can be emailed out to agents by the Sales department at the home office.

Q: How do I view Agent commissions through my Downline?
A: You can see a list of agents under you in the My Commissions section, but commissions are not currently displayed atm. To view individual agent commissions, currently you must log in to their specific Agent account. If an agent hasn’t yet created an account, their information currently won’t be viewable. In this case, please contact the Sales department at the home office who can assist you with accessing this information. We hope to have better solutions for this issue asap.

The Agent Life Insurance & Annuities Portal provides access to insurance policies and related documents and forms for new accounts as of 3/1/25, as well as all annuity policy details online, including the ability to view and download statements, policy documents and other NSS Life service forms.

E-App Portal


Click on the link below to navigate to the
Agent E-App Portal.


The Agent E-App Portal provides agents a digital resource for selling NSS Life products.

NSS Life Agent Materials

Downloadable digital Forms, Brochures, and more

Life Insurance


Click on the links below to open the
relevant NSS Life Insurance forms
for viewing or downloading



Click on the links below to open the
relevant NSS Life Annuities forms
for viewing or downloading



Click on the links below to open the
relevant NSS Life General forms
for viewing or downloading